One of the internet news groups I am on had an Easter ornament exchange. I got very lucky and was assigned a good friend as my partner. I wanted to do something special, since she is a special buddy, but my creative muse wasn't sharing any ideas... but low and behold, right at the last minute, I thought of this egg design based on an online class I had taken with Marilyn Radzat ( see fairy bower pictures further down this blog). Anyway the egg gourd I cut, and placed a very thin coating of apoxie sculpt in the inside of the gourd. I put a base coat of ivory acrylics , and then put pink and green pearlescent paints on top of it to give it an abalone look. The outside is cut up glass tiles in apoxie sculpt, with micro beads pressed in the 'grout' . The Kewpies dolls I had laying around, I china painted them, wigged and dressed them. I think its looks pretty cute! My friend like them too. I kinda when nuts too, and ended up making 9 of them and have sent them out to friends and family. So lady muse didn't abandoned me, but I do wish I thought of it earlier...