I have a fascination of Early American portraiture and also love antique oil painted cloth dolls. Many many doll artists explore this style, and I am am just a beginner in my exploration this style. Nevertheless, I am pleased with how this doll came out and figured she deserved an entry in my blog as I consider what type of dress to sew for her.
This doll was sewn in cotton sateen from a pattern by Susan Fosnot and I stuffed her with wool roving- my favorite stuffing material. I drew and painted my own face instead of using Susan Fosnot's template, and I think its a younger face - perhaps of a young girl. Its more stylized face rather than realistic , but I like the doll and am proud of how she turned out. I am definitely having trouble painting curls, but I can always hide them under a bonnet! She was painted in oils, and although I love working with them, I had a terrible time getting the right color for her skin, and not getting everything muddy. I am working on a few other cloth dolls like this one and perhaps will bring on this blog once they are done
As you can see, I have made her under-ware following the style the mid 1850 or so. There is a chemise, drawers and two petticoats on this gal. I am pondering what color her gown should be and am drawn to blue - Its my favorite color! So if you have an opinion let me know at bonameechi@yahoo.com.