I haven't posted
anything for quite awhile on my blog. I have excuses of course, but the bottom line is I have been flitting from one project to another.

So here are some examples of some of the silliness I habe been working on. The first two doll pictures are of Esther, a painted polymer clay doll I sculpted last year, but got discouraged when I painted her. I had a bad cold one day in February and sewed a body for her and put her together. I then decided she might not be so bad if I dressed her, so I made her a gown this past week. Now I think she looks OK, and didn't deserve the poor treatment she got this past year.
The third picture is a 'Fairy Bower' I made during a Marilyn Radzat online class through the 'Gourd College' These projects are magical and I am learning alot about how to do mosaic work, etc. I am really enjoying stretching my skills with this one.
The last two pictures are a Mermaid Boat I am working on , sculpted over a Swan Gourd. This crazy idea came to me while working on another one of Maryln's projects, the Sphinx and is inspired by a conch shell my daughter recieved in the mail from my sister-in-law. She is in a rough state right now, and needs lots of refining and sanding, but I think I have an idea of how to paint and finish her.
Ta ta for now and I hope to do better with this blog!